Two weeks before the meeting, Lead member of the Refreshment Committee will contact members on your team to decide on the theme, refreshments and duties. Greeters are considered as a Refreshment Committee member.
- Arrive at the Zion Library to set up at 12:00pm noon
- Arrive at the Shiloh Center: time to be announced
- Arrive at designated venue: time to be announced –
Caterers usually arrive 1 ½ hours early.
IDGC has a list of many items stored for the use of the Refreshment Committee’s. Contact the President or 2ndVice President for information.
If a Refreshment Committee member cannot help or provide anything to the month’s refreshments, that member is to pay $10.00 to the Lead member.
Refreshment Committee to provide: (this is not a meal, only refreshments)
- Refreshments: suggestions – sweet/salty/healthy
- Coffee – use ½ cup grounds for every 10 cups water
(Use pot given to IDGC)
- How water for tea – tea bags
- Ice water in container IDGC owns – lemon or lime slices optional
- Sugar and creamers in containers
- Napkins, paper plates, plastic ware, hot or cold cups
- Tablecloths for service tables (3 for Library)
Shiloh Center and Shepherd’s Crook (determined by attendees)
- Center pieces and/or table decorations (where appropriate)
The Water Container and Coffee Pot should be cleaned and dried for the next month’s meeting. The current month’s Refreshment Committee shall hand over these items to the Lead for next month’s Refreshment Committee.
If any questions arise please contact either the IDGC President or 2ndVice President.