√ September Meeting and Kickoff Luncheon
SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 11:30 a.m.
Parkway Chateau 12304 76th St., Kenosha WI
Kickoff Luncheon $18.00 per person
Presentation: “So you think you Know — garden myths edition”
Start the Illinois Dunesland Garden Club year with a delicious luncheon with friends. Enjoy a talk about common misconceptions people have about gardening—What “everybody says” or “I’ve always done it that way” and what research shows is real and what is not. Current members, Beth Dermody and Sandi Shea will kick-off this year’s events with a fun presentation will not only surprise you, but might also have you heading home with a bit of new knowledge!
Refreshments– Lead-Brenda Perez; Greeter-Taylor Austin
RC Members– Joyce Miller, Cheri Neal, JoNancy Warren
October Meeting
OCTOBER 8, 2019 1:00 p.m.
Zion Library 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion IL
Speaker: Jim Steffen – “The Nocturnal Nuance of Moths”
Welcome Ecologist and Author Jim Steffen. On staff at the Chicago Botanic Garden for 30 years, Jim shares his knowledge of the Mary Mix McDonald Woods and the role moths play in promoting a diverse and healthy ecosystem.
Refreshments– Lead: Lead-Amy Miller; Greeter-Liz Grulke
RC Members– Pamela Hunter, Catherine Japuntich, Kathy Knutell, Helen Koetz, Shirley Mintern, Shirley Solberg
November Meeting
NOVEMBER 12, 2019 1:00 p.m.
Zion Library 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion IL
Speaker: David Cantwell – “End of the Season Pruning”
David Cantwell, Assistant Horticulturist for the Garden Wall & Berm at the Chicago Botanic Garden, has developed quite a passion for pruning. Come join him in his journey through the seasons. Learn how and when to prune for best results. Bring your pruners for a hands-on learning experience.
Refreshments– Lead: Lead-Linette Parrish; Greeter-Beth Rankin
RC Members– Carol Awe, Sonia Bedrosian, Joyce Lomonaco, Kathleen Murray, Doris Saenim, Judy Wilkes
December Meeting
Parkway Chateau 12304 76th St., Kenosha WI
Christmas Holiday Luncheon $18.00 per person
Enjoy a festive holiday luncheon with your garden club friends.
Refreshments– Lead-Urszula Wojcik; Greeter-Paula Reinier
RC Members– Gloria Askew, Ruth Hens, Barbara Norman, Jean Studebaker
January Meeting
JANUARY 14, 2020 1:00 p.m.
Zion Library 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion IL
Speaker: Linda Mackey– “Container Gardening”
Incredible, lush container gardens are within your grasp! Linda Mackey, Master Gardener at the University of Illinois Extension, will share designer tips for selecting a container, crafting inspired plant combinations and maintaining seasonal interest. No more ho-hum pots—this will get your creative juices flowing!
Refreshments– Lead-Carol Bufton; Greeter-Liz Spannraft
RC Members– Glenda Clark, Barbara Farrell, Kim Hemphill, Judy Jensen, Diane Sheehan
February Meeting
FEBRUARY 11, 2020 1:00 p.m.
Zion Library 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion IL
Speaker: Tim Pollak – “Butterfly & Hummingbird Gardening”
What plants are sure to attract butterflies & hummingbirds to your garden? Tim Pollak, Greenhouse Production Manager at the Chicago Botanic Garden, will share his vast knowledge and offer plant suggestions for enticing these beauties to visit you.
Refreshments– Lead-Gale Dulian; Greeter-Judy Leonard
RC Members– Sheryl Anderson, Ethel Blanton, Carol Behm, Mary Fredrickson, Lucretia Lynch, Liz Perez
March Meeting
MARCH 10, 2020 1:00 p.m.
Zion Library 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion IL
Speaker: Mark Lyons – “Vegetable Gardening In Small Spaces”
Mark Lyons, Owner of Green Thumb At Your Service, offers an insightful look into vegetable gardening. His love of gardening and extensive knowledge of growing vegetables is sure to bring inspiration just in time for spring.
Refreshments– Lead-Ingrid Tjader; Greeter-Lauren Yahiro
RC Members– Barb Alexander, Joyce Frederick, Naomi Friedrich, Rebecca Kinnavy, Barb Redman, Judy Stalder
April Meeting
APRIL 14, 2020 1:00 p.m.
Zion Library 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion IL
Speaker: Susie Hoffman—“Introducing Your 2019-2020 Scholarship Winners”
Susie Hoffman, Director of Education at Center For Conservation Leadership, will introduce our two scholarship winners: Zion-Benton Students Ari Avalos & Yesenia Sanchez. They will discuss the research projects they have completed at the Center and share what they have learned.
Refreshments– Lead-Janet Melin; Greeter-Kathy McElmurry
RC Members– Gail Cavender, Ruthann Davis, Mary Gustafson, Elizabeth Hjelmeseth, Bonnie Lolmaugh, Anne Miller
May Meeting
MAY 12, 2020 11:00 a.m.
Shiloh Center 27th & Emmaus, Zion IL
Salad & Dessert Luncheon and Plant Auction
Salads (A-M) Desserts (N-Z)
Members and their guests will enjoy a light lunch followed by an exciting afternoon bidding on a variety of beautiful plants. Bring plants from your garden to be auctioned off for the benefit of the Garden Club. Bidding on the plants goes fast and furious!
Refreshments– Lead-Rebecca Bozarth; Greeter-Ed Butkus
RC Members– Ethel Blanton, Jacqueline Kim, Michael Kim, Sandra Nichols
June Meeting and Spring Tea
JUNE 9, 2020 1:00 p.m.
Shiloh Center 27th & Emmaus, Zion IL
Spring Tea
Join fellow Garden Club members for a delightful afternoon at our annual Spring Tea.
Refreshments– Lead: Beth Dermody & Sandi Shea; Greeter: Jan LaBelle
RC Members– Judy Anderson, Marty Butler, Doreen Matteson, April Meyers, Jill LaBelle, Dolores Mink, Karen Monsen, Suzanne Raiden, Darlene Robinson
July Annual Garden Tour
JULY 11, 2020 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Begins Zion Library 2400 Gabriel Ave., Zion IL
Garden Tour & Raffle
Enjoy Illinois Dunesland Garden Club’s Annual Garden Tour. Visit a variety of lovely gardens in the area on your self-guided tour. Begin at the Zion-Benton Public Library to receive directions to each garden. While you are at the Library, don’t miss the fantastic items in our Raffle. Proceeds help to fund the Annual Garden Club student scholarships.
Tell all your friends this event is free!