Maybe we can take a bit of time to reflect on where we’re going with our garden club. Traditionally we would be meeting, have a program, and maybe even a workshop. Since we can’t do that at the moment, let’s consider some transitions.
First, I would like to present to you our officers for the next two years. Some are new and some are returning, but we must appreciate them for volunteering their time, effort and creativity as we continue to maintain a strong club even in these unusual times.
Elizabeth Dermody—Co-President; Workshops
Sandra Shea—Co-President; Webpage; Membership
April Meyers—1st VP
Jan LaBelle—2nd VP
Judy Leonard—Co-Secretary
Doreen Matteson—Co-Secretary; Scholarship
Dolores Mink—Treasurer
Judy Anderson—Under treasurer
Gale Dulian—Activities; Community Affairs
Kathy Knutell—Auction
Karen Monsen—Calling
Anne Miller—Chaplain
April Meyers—Facebook
Barbara Norman—Garden Tour
Nikki Rhomberg—Newsletter, Social Media
Marty Butler—Parliamentary Advisor
Brenda Perez—Raffle
Helen Koetz—Sunshine; Glove Sales
Barb Alexander—Web Staff Photographer
Jill LaBelle—Yearbook; Photographer
What a great staff we have! This club is fortunate to have members willing to give their time and energy for us all.
Since we are unable to present programs at the moment, we have several virtual programs you can access through Facebook or our website. Please take the time to visit the ones that interest you and let us know what you like or would like to see in the future. (List here what we have available)
Now, those reflections I mentioned: We’d like to include more of you in our effort to stay vital and thriving. Please think about your interests and your talents and how they can be of help to us. Yes, you do have talents! Maybe you’re good at chatting on the telephone. Maybe you have an interest you could share as a presentation or workshop. Maybe you have ideas you’d like to present, even privately, to further our club. Maybe you’d like to submit something to this newsletter. Maybe you’d even like to help as an officer. So consider how you can help, then whisper in someone’s ear or shout out—we need you so our club can continue to be as vibrant as it has been.
To show you that our traditions do carry on, we have two new members who have joined even though we cannot meet in person. They are Julia Bishop and Nikki Rhomberg.
We are also fortunate that Nikki Rhomberg, who does graphic design, has agreed to publish our newsletter for us. You probably noticed how beautiful and professional our first newsletter was—that was thanks to her!
Mindful of the great traditions of our club, we must carry on. We, your officers and staff, need your feedback on what you need from the club. Please contact us at with any suggestion or question at all.
Along with making and canning plum, peach, and grape jam and canning salsa and green beans this summer and fall, for the last few months my husband and I have been walking for our daily exercise. (When you have heart problems, the doctors tell you to walk.) I took pictures a few weeks ago, as we walked the trails on several days at Van Patten Woods. Please visit the club website and join us as we share our picture “walk”.
We’ve been busy preparing online clinics (how to’s for dividing and replanting day-lilies, iris, and hostas) and workshops (how to make a “Leopold Garden Bench” and how to make “Decorative Stepping Stones”). Kits with printed instructions can be purchased through the garden club for either of the workshops. Contact Beth if interested in a kit. Printed instructions for either workshop can be purchased through the garden club for $1 each. Contact Beth for copies of the instructions.
If anyone has any suggestions for tips that can be used for our monthly newsletter, email your ideas to Beth. If you would like to write an article for the newsletter, email Sandi or Beth.
We’ve got some great things planned for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays, so keep reading and check out the website frequently.
Happy Fall Gardening!