Beth’s Corner June 2021

RECIPES Southern Sweet Tea Mini Quiches Lemon Curd Sandi’s Scones CRAFTS Grow Up | Train your Tomatoes ‘Beth’s Bucket’ step-by-step instructions
Spreading the Love of Gardens Since 1937
RECIPES Southern Sweet Tea Mini Quiches Lemon Curd Sandi’s Scones CRAFTS Grow Up | Train your Tomatoes ‘Beth’s Bucket’ step-by-step instructions
It’s Tea Time. June is the last meeting of our calendar year. That is when we always have our afternoon tea with scrumptious goodies, steaming cups of tea (except when the circuit breakers blow!) and sparkling socializing. This year, though…it’s a little different. So, grab your favorite teacup, fill it with the beverage of your choice, […]
I’ve been busy the last week or two potting some hostas that have gotten a little to big for their spaces, taking a daylily fan or two off some big clumps, digging some monarda (bee balms) and pulmonaria (lungworts) that have gone a little too far astray, and potted up some new lilium bulbs. I […]
April is the month that you are probably going to be busy –whether out in the garden or starting your spring cleaning. So, Beth’s Corner has the world’s easiest Italian Beef recipe ready for you. It’s perfect if you plan to be out in the garden all day. Just put it on before you go […]
APRIL! April showers bring May flowers–and it certainly gets me thinking about gardening and plants. This newsletter is packed with information; probably even more than we could offer at a regular club meeting. While we await that magical meeting-together-moment, study these articles at your leisure and benefit from the expertise of fellow club members. We […]
HOMEMADE SUET CAKE Homemade suet cakes that fit standard suet feeders can be made with molds—sandwich-size plastic freezer containers (Dollar Store). Save the store-bought plastic suet cake holders and reuse them as your molds. Be sure to coat each mold with a non-stick spray before putting in the suet mix. Recipe #1 uses empty orange […]
Spring. March 20th. That seems hard to believe doesn’t it? But here it comes and it’s time to get ready! Although it’s too soon to start most seeds, there are a few exceptions. One of my early starts is caladiums. They take so long to get going because they like warm soil, so that’s what […]
It’s February. It’s the depth of winter with cold and snow surrounding us but we’re safe and warm in our homes. Though it doesn’t seem like it, spring is creeping closer. February is the shortest month of the year, so we’ll soon be looking backwards on this winter. To get through this time of cold […]
Tired of the cold and staying in the house? Plan a project! Here are a few simple crafts you can do for Valentines’ Day and a quick Valentine dessert recipe to celebrate the occasion. You can also make a simple homemade soup for two to share with a spouse or a friend—just add a sandwich for […]
With the start of the new year, our theme of starting anew, we are re-using and re-purposing items we might already have around the house. I have two crafts and a great recipe to share! Crafts Christmas Card Ornaments Don’t throw away those gorgeous Christmas cards that you got this year (actually last year, now). […]