I chuckled when I read the first line of Sandi’s message. “It’s February.” Need we say more? It reminded me of a well-worn children’s book handed down to us from my husband’s Aunt Mary. In it a chatty family of field mice living in an old stone wall were busy gathering nuts and grain for the winter—all except Frederick. “Why don’t you work?” they asked him. “I do work,” he answered. “I gather colors for the winter is gray. I gather sun rays for the cold dark days.” Frederick was the resident poet. When the corn was only a memory and no one felt like chatting, his ‘supplies’ sustained them until spring.
Aunt Mary’s gift now delights her great-great nieces and nephews, and we remember her with love. It’s a reminder that our own words and deeds, no matter how simple, often have lasting impact.
After a year of living with Covid-19, could there be a better time to spread some sunshine, to lift some spirits? Another Frederick, the Philosopher Friederich Von Hugel, reached this conclusion at the end of his life: “Caring is the greatest thing; caring matters most.” So send those valentines, make some calls, connect with fellow club members to spread good cheer and keep us going strong.