Presidents’ Points June 2021

It’s Tea Time. June is the last meeting of our calendar year. That is when we always have our afternoon tea with scrumptious goodies, steaming cups of tea (except when the circuit breakers blow!) and sparkling socializing.

This year, though…it’s a little different. So, grab your favorite teacup, fill it with the beverage of your choice, sit back and enjoy this newsletter, keeping in mind that we hope to be able to meet in person this fall.

We don’t yet know what the fall situation will be. We have to follow the library’s rules and keep safety in mind, but we certainly hope in-person meetings will be in our future. We are even tentatively planning a Welcome Back Luncheon in September. We will share details as soon as we can figure it out.

Since this is our last “meeting” it will also be our last official newsletter. However, we’d like to have a virtual garden tour of members’ gardens since we’re not having our usual one.  If you EACH send in just one picture (or however many you like) we will publish a garden tour newsletter in July. We have worked hard this year getting newsletters out; now it’s your turn to participate to make possible another. You can choose a picture from this year or previous years. Let us know if it’s OK to post your name with the picture. Let’s all go through photos or take new ones and create a gorgeous final newsletter.

As I write this, I’m thinking back over the past year which has been like no other in our 84-year history. We haven’t been able to meet, except perhaps with a friend or two so we’ve missed sharing experiences with our gardening friends. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed and learned from the “speakers” that have graced the pages of our newsletters. There were opportunities to keep up with our activities, both virtual and now in person with our Winthrop Harbor planting project. Adversity has just made us stronger! Illinois Dunesland Garden Club survives to meet again! Garden on!

I miss our teas. Maybe next year.

In Beth’s Corner you will find recipes for some of our tea-time favorites including Southern Sweet Tea and mini quiches. There is already a recipe for Lemon Curd and Sandi’s scones on the website in the recipes section. So, ask over a friend or two and have your own little tea.

You’ll also find plenty of articles for growing tomatoes, whether in a large veggie garden, as an individual plant in a flower bed or hanging on a patio or gazebo. You can grow them almost anywhere!

Be sure to send in your “garden tour” photos for the summer newsletter/tour. Close-ups, whole gardens, critters in the garden, pretty garden art. Anything goes—well almost anything.

Hope you’ve all enjoyed the monthly newsletter this last year, and we look forward to seeing you in September at a fun kick-off luncheon if we are able.